there are powers within you which, if you could discover and use, would make you everything you ever dreamed or imagined you could be.

The Claregate Trust is a charity created to provide educational tools to assist individuals to realise their full potential as well as guidelines to open horizons in their life’s journey.
Our mission is to further the educational advancement of the public into ancient philosophy, science and the quantum principles.

The Claregate Method
a consciousness raising technique


Our educational platform provides engaging consciousness-raising programmes and self-development applications for the digital generation.
Targeting both young and mature users of application technology, Claregate Online offers a selection of carefully designed, self-paced courses that stimulate the awareness of their inner potential and help them identify and develop their core values.
Everyone deserves to know that they are unique,
have value and possess their own special purpose to achieve in life.

The courses are supported with apps, videos, audiobooks interactive
publications on subjects such as Meditation, Energy Healing, Astrology,
Reincarnation, The Soul’s Purpose, and The Powers Latent Within.
Our online Knowledge Centre is a repository of knowledge that has been developed over the last 60 years spearheaded by Dr Douglas Baker and his Claregate affiliates. The aim of the repository is to provide a central point for people struggling to find a spiritual centre to their own spiritual growth.
Support is offered for the development of a viable alternative to a view of the world as a guiding force in their lives and to connect with something that
is meaningful.
Fundamental to spiritual unfoldment is that inner development takes place regardless of race, creed, education, status, financial circumstances or any other limiting criteria.

The Claregate Trust sponsors Humanitarian projects across the World.
Can you help us with a donation?
You are donating to a UK registered charity
Charity Number 1155340


Our goal is to facilitate the simple awareness that such a thing as a personal Soul exists, that we can communicate with this part of ourselves, and that it has a purpose for us.
Douglas Baker

Dr. Douglas M. Baker, B.A. (Natal), M.R.C.S. (London), L.R.C.P. (England)
Douglas Baker (1922 – 2011), a descendant of the Elizabethan explorer Sir Walter Raleigh, who planted the first colonies in Virginia and sought after Eldorado, is English born and raised in South Africa.
At sixteen, already orphaned, he volunteered to serve in WWII and fought in Abyssinia, North Africa and Italy being wounded three times, twice almost fatally. He had transformative experiences which set the pattern for his lifelong investigations into the Powers Latent in Man and the complexities and mysteries of Man’s mind.

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Registered address:
Suite 6B, Wentworth Lodge, Great North Road,
Welwyn Garden City, Herts. AL8 7SR
+(44) (0) 7544 375983